Thursday 15 December 2011

Eurozone Crisis

Many people around Europe have fears that the EuroZone is likely to collapse but there is more likely speculation that the EuroZone will go into a recession one again. Some reports from Sky News suggest that there will only be a 0.1% growth for the whole of the next year as well as unemployment rising to 10% before 2015. The article also highlights that the Euro has fell to 84 pence against the pound and $1.30 against the Euro.

There are additional fears amidst the European Conference as Britain was the only country out of 27 countries not to sign the treaty for tighter regulations around Europe. This had affects around the remaining of the world as Asian markets were down on average by 1.7% relating to concerns about the result of the treaty. Country around the world fear that because a treaty wasn't signed it may cause more problems in terms of trade around the world as Europe debt may further increase.

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